Here's a question from Ryan from SAPT about combining Smolov Jr for Bench Press and Texas Method:
Hey John,
This is Ryan from SAPT in Virginia. How has training been going? Judging from the website you are smashing PR's daily. I had a question for you. I saw for a time you were combining the Smolov bench program and the Texas Method. How did that work for you and how did you go about setting that up?
My Answer:
Hey Ryan,
Thanks! Actually the PR train has come to a grinding halt (been missing a lot of 1RM attempts) so I'm going back and working on 5,3 and 2RM.
Smolov Jr for bench press worked OK for me. It was really grueling, but fun. I got a 10lbs PR @340lbs, which is a bit lower than expected however.
I remember having a constant chest pump, and usually sore chest/shoulders/triceps all the time. The frequency of benching made the movement feel easier.
Basically I combined Smolov Jr for bench and Texas Method like this:
- Bench Press on Monday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday
- Squat on Monday, Wednesday & Friday
I don't think I did any deadlifting back then because I was recovering from a strained muscle in my lower back.
I started doing some overhead press at first to warm up, but I found that my anterior delts were getting too much stimulation for benching 4x a week that I ended up removing it. I stopped doing OHP for a few weeks, but when I went back to it I didn't lose any strength. I did warm up with face pulls before bench presses though.
Here are my training logs and any posts involving Smolov:
Hope that helps!
Got a question? Just ask on my contact page and I'll answer it!