Archives For whey protein coffee

So after watching this video, I started adding whey protein (isolate) to my coffee:

I normally drink 2 cups of coffee in the morning, so I only add half a scoop of whey protein to each cup.

I've tried adding 1 full scoop, but I find that the coffee becomes too thick for my liking.

Some tips:

Wait until your coffee has cooled down so the protein doesn't curdle or denature (apparently whey protein will denature at 72 C).

If you're using instant coffee, you can fill your mug with 50% hot water, and 25% cold water before adding the whey protein. This way, you don't have to wait for the water to cool down.

Stuff You Should Read

  1. Stevo at SAPT Stregth explains that what you do will influence how you think. Awesome article especially if you're procrastinating going to the gym
  2. Johnnie shows you what you need in a garage home gym. A timely article for me since I'll be moving out soon and setting up my own garage home gym!
  3. Nick Horton reviews the book "FIT" by Lon Kilgore, Michael Hartman, and Justin Lascek (I wish this was on Kindle!)
  4. has a few awesome fitness-related infographics:
  5. The leg press is one of the biggest ego builders but least effective strength training exercises (for normal, healthy individuals) I've seen in the gym. Tony Gentilcore explains his views on the leg press
    • NOTE: There are instances where the leg press is useful, as Mark Rippetoe explains below: