London 2012 Summer Olympics on BBC, Competition, Fitness Industry, and Zoe Smith

August 5, 2012 — Leave a comment

I was watching the Olympics online using Tunlr all week, but today it stopped working.

Here's another solution:

  1. ExpatShield + Adblock Plus = Ad Free Live Streams of the London 2012 Summer Olympics on BBC

Also, check out a couple of must read articles:

  1. Why You Need To Compete Now by Dave Kirschen
  2. The Fitness Industry is Dead by Logan Gelbrich
  3. Thanks (but no thanks) by Zoe Smith

John Phung

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Ever since I started taking strength training seriously, I was bitten by the Iron Bug. Then it burrowed under my skin and laid eggs in my heart. Now those eggs are hatching and I... the feeling is indescribable.

Quick Stats
Height: 5'4" on non-squat days
Weight: 200 lb 210 lb ~220 lb (FOREVER BULK BRAH)


  • Texas Method: March 4, 2011 - April 28, 2013
  • Smolov Jr for Bench Press: June 4 - 22, 2012
  • Starting Strength: Nov 29, 2010 - March 4, 2011