Power clean
77.5 kg (170.5lbs): 3,3,3,3,3
182.5 kg (401.5lbs): 2,2,1
- Failed first attempt. Dead squatted 122.5 kg from pins to rack.
- Failed last set, last rep
137.5 kg (302.5lbs): 2,2
207.5 kg (456.5lbs): 3,2
- Couldn't lockout on the last rep, last set
Body weight (~88.4 kg): 15,15,15
- Felt fresh after the workout.
- Squat - Feel easy unracking and walking with the weight. Still tough at the bottom.
- Recording videos and reviewing them with a critical eye sure help. Can spot imperfections in technique.
- Struggling with the weight seems a lot longer when performing compared to watching a video of you doing the exercise.
- 1 sec feels like forever when the weight slows down or temporarily stuck.
- Burping after workout taste like fish oil...
- Wore 2 shirts - tight undershirt and normal t-shirt. I can't remember where I read about it, but wearing 2 shirts seem to keep the bar in place while squatting. Time to buy more tight undershirts! Black of course.
Squat 182.5 kg (401.5 lbs): 2RM
Bench Press 137.5 kg (302.5lbs): 2RM
Deadlift 207.5 kg (456.5lbs): 2RM