High Bar (aka Olympic) Squat
Warm Up
45lbs: 10
97.5lbs: 5
137.5lbs: 5
162.5lbs: 3
187.5lbs: 2
Main Sets
Push Press
Warm Up
45lbs: 10
57.5lbs: 8
97.5lbs: 5
137.5lbs: 3
162.5lbs: 2
187.5lbs: 1
207.5lbs: 1
Main Sets
227.5lbs: 2,2
Both sets: Lost balance a bit on the 2nd rep
1st set: felt a twinge in my lower back (left side)
Pull Ups
L-Sit V-Grip FatGripz Chin Ups
Bodyweight (190lbs): 5
Right hand giving out first
L-Sit V-Grip FatGripz Pull Ups
Bodyweight (190lbs): 5
Right hand giving out first
Barbell Curl
57.5lbs: 10, 10, 10
Did curls OUTSIDE the rack. Never curl in the rack. Not even at home.
John Phung
Ever since I started taking strength training seriously, I was bitten by the
Iron Bug . Then it burrowed under my skin and laid eggs in my heart. Now those eggs are hatching and I... the feeling is indescribable.
John's Google Profile
Quick Stats
Height: 5'4" on non-squat days
200 lb 210 lb ~220 lb (FOREVER BULK BRAH)
Texas Method: March 4, 2011 - April 28, 2013
Smolov Jr for Bench Press: June 4 - 22, 2012
Starting Strength: Nov 29, 2010 - March 4, 2011