Texas Method volume day.
Foam Rolling
- 20 minutes on the black Rumble Roller and lacrosse ball.
Parallel Grip L-Sit Chin Ups
- Body weight (200 lb): 10
Low Bar Squat
About 3.5 minutes in between sets.
- 45 lb: 20
- 140 lb: 10
- 230 lb: 5
- 320 lb: 3
- 370 lb: 2
- 410 lb: 1
- 460 lb: 1
- 412.5 lb: 3,3,3
- +2.5 lb from last week (microloading with fractional plates).
High Bar Squat
- 412.5 lb: 3,3
- +2.5 lb from last week.
- 365 lb: 5,5,5
- +5 lb from last week
Face Pulls
- 70 lb: 14
Reverse Grip Bench Press
Paused until work sets. Paused first rep on work sets.
Right pec sore especially during warm up. Went away mostly during work sets.
- 45 lb: 10
- 140 lb: 5
- 230 lb: 3
- 280 lb: 1
- 330 lb: 1
- Increasing my over-warmup weight from 320 lb to 330 lb, because I am stronger now. Still paused.
- 295 lb: 5,5,5,5,5
- +2.5 lb from last week.
- Last rep, last set was tough.