I was thinking about taking the day off, but after yesterday's crappy workout (couldn't even finish my warm up!), and no PRs for the week, I decided to train today and try for a personal record instead.
Ab Wheel
- 6
Band Pull Aparts
- A bunch of reps, multiple angles with the Voodoo Floss bands
Shoulder Dislocations
- 10
L-Sit Chin Ups
With Fatgripz.
- Body weight (~200 lb): 6
Breathing Paused High Bar Squat
- 45 lb: 10
- 140 lb: 10
- 230 lb: 5
- 320 lb: 3
Paused High Bar Squat
Belted up at 460 lb.
- 410 lb: 1
- 460 lb: 1
High Bar Squat
- 480 lb: 1
- 505 lb: X, 1 * PR!
- Missed the first time, but got it the 2nd try!
- +5 lb PR
- 430 lb: 5
- Did 3 reps last week.
- Reps felt slow and grindy.
Mat Pulls
6 mats.
Hook grip.
Straps + belt at 500
- 140 lb: 10
- 230 lb: 5
- 320 lb: 3
- 410 lb: 1
- 460 lb: 1
- 500 lb: 1
- 550 lb: 1
- 600 lb: X,X
- Wouldn't budge. Tried twice. Weird.
- 500 lb: 5