Breathing Paused Low Bar Squat
- 45 x 10
- 140 x 5
- 230 x 5
- 320 x 3
Paused Low Bar Squat
- 410 x 1
Low Bar Squat
- 460 x 1
- 500 x 3
- Missed on 4th rep. BAH TRY AGAIN
While looking back at the video, I thought, "Damn...SKY'S OUT THIGHS OUT! Looking pretty jacked, and nice shirt too!"
Didn't want today's aesthetics to go to waste, so I rested, refocused, and went for another set.
- 500 x 5 * PR!
- +20 lb 5 rep max!
- Previous best with 500 lb was 3 reps, and previous 5 rep max was 480 lb.
- Pretty tough. Low bar squat is a lot more tiring than high bar squat for me.