Breathing Paused High Bar Squat
- 45 x 10
- 140 x 10
- 230 x 5
- 320 x 3
Paused High Bar Squat
- 410 x 1
High Bar Squat
- 460 x 1
- 500 x 1
- 525 x 2 * PR!
- +5 lb 2 rep max!
- Wanted 3 reps, but the 2nd rep was a slow, shaky grind. That pissed me off. Also I was trying to look back at the video but for some reason I couldn't find it on the camera! That pissed me off even more so I decided to try for a 3RM with 520 lb. Found the video after turning off the camera and back on again 😐
- 520 x 3 * PR!
- +35 lb 3 rep max!
- Previous best with 520 lb was 2 reps.