Paused Front Squat
- 45 x 10
- 140 x 5
- 230 x 3
- 280 x 1
- 330 x 1
Front Squat
- 370 x 1
- 410 x 1
- 455 x 1 * PR!
- +15 lb 1 REP MAX!
- I failed this twice weight last week, but got it today. I repeated Greg Nuckol's advice in my mind that he gave to me last week during my warm up sets leading up to this. He said: "Coming out of the hole, push your hips and knees forward faster to get your hips under the bar". It worked! Really tried to push my hips forward coming out of the bottom. A bit tough, felt light headed when I unracked the bar and got into position (probably from the bar pressed too hard against my neck), a grind at the sticking point and some wobbly knees. Got it anyways.
- 365 x 3
- 320 x 5