Overhead Press
- 45 x 10
- 100 x 5
- 140 x 3
- 190 x 2
- 230 x 1
- 250 x 1
- 300 x 0
- "Missed" OHP = Press Starts.
- 275 x 2 * PR!
- +5 lb 2RM from last week!
Paused Bench Press
Thumbless/False/Suicide/Seppuku/"Today Is A Good Day To Die" grip.
- 280 x 1
- 320 x 1
- 370 x 2 * PR!
- +5 lb 2RM!
- Really starting to like the thumbless grip now.
Bench Press
- 405 x 0
- Nice negative. Pretty sure I'll hit this eventually with a thumbless grip.