Archives For paul carter

Well, looks seems like my lower back is healed after I strained some muscle back there.

I managed to do a measly 500lbs hook grip deadlift (video) last Friday. Haven't deadlifted 500lbs since over 1 year ago!

Journey to a 3x bodyweight, 600lbs deadlift begins now!

Anyways, check these out:

  1. Unstable Surfaces for Stability Training (aka Clown School) by John Kiefer
  2. Obesity and Fitness Are Revolutionized By Reddit, Not Doctorsby Dick Talens
  3. Overtraining by Layne Norton
  4. Kinesio Taping - The Latest Sports Fad by Dr. Steven Novella
  5. Arnold Doesn't Come In A Bottle by Paul Carter

A killer interview and some awesome articles I've read this past week:

  1. Starting Strength Series : Marty Gallagher Interview (Part 3) with Mark Rippetoe & Marty Gallagher
  2. A Tip For Reducing Back Pain During the Deadlift by Stevo
  3. I Will Condition by Paul Carter
  4. Tweak Something? by Brandon Morrison
  5. Train Like A Grown Ass Man by Greg Robins

Read this:

  1. Training with a Hangover by Bill Starr
  2. Romanian Deadlift: “Nipples Up” Fixes RDL Technique by Adrian Crowe
  3. Belts Redux by Justin Lascek
  4. Weight Loss vs Fat Loss by Tony Gentilcore
  5. I Will Squat by Paul Carter

Well, I guess Smolov Jr for bench press works!

I hit a +10lbs PR (video here). I was hoping for 350lbs, but settled for 340lbs instead. I should have attempted 345lbs...maybe next week.

Anyways, here are a few helpful articles I came across lately:

  1. The One Drop Method by Frank Butty
  2. Fixing Your Overhead Press (and using your biceps in the eccentric portion of the OHP) by Paul Carter
  3. 3 Easy Tips For Hard Gainers and Hard Losers by Greg Robins