Some of my posts you might have missed:
- 10 Reasons Why I Train
- Texas Method Training Log: Friday February 17, 2012 [Intensity Day] Bench Press Video
And a few helpful articles I’ve come across this past week:
- The Classic 20-Rep Breathing Squats to Build the Quadriceps by Charles Poliquin
- 2 Simple Cues To Improve Your Squat by Todd Bumgardner
- Marilyn Monroe's Training & Diet Secrets by 70sBig
- Lifters Wearing The Wrong Shoes To Deadlift by Craig Hirota
- Sumo Deadlift Neutral Spine with Max Aita from AllThingsGym
- Single Leg Good Mornings by Ben Bruno
- How To Become A Fitness Guru in 25 Easy Steps by Bret Contreras