Training Log: Wednesday March 19, 2014

March 19, 2014 — Leave a comment

Triceps a bit sore from holding Thai pads for someone to kick, but that didn't stop the PR TRAIN

Overhead Press

Cleaned from the ground.

  • 45 lb x 10
  • 95 lb x 5
  • 135 lb x 3
  • 185 lb x 2
  • 205 lb x 1
  • 235 lb x 5
    • 5 rep max!
    • +5 lb from last week. Only wanted 4 for a 4RM, but banged out another rep.
  • 245 lb x 3
    • 3 rep max!
    • I attempted this weight by unracking it from the J-hooks on the rack a few weeks ago, didn't get 2 IIRC. Cleaning the bar before pressing makes it easier.
  • 255 lb x 0
    • Couldn't clean this. Meh, 2 OHP PR's is good enough.

John Phung

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Ever since I started taking strength training seriously, I was bitten by the Iron Bug. Then it burrowed under my skin and laid eggs in my heart. Now those eggs are hatching and I... the feeling is indescribable.

Quick Stats
Height: 5'4" on non-squat days
Weight: 200 lb 210 lb ~220 lb (FOREVER BULK BRAH)


  • Texas Method: March 4, 2011 - April 28, 2013
  • Smolov Jr for Bench Press: June 4 - 22, 2012
  • Starting Strength: Nov 29, 2010 - March 4, 2011