Archives For Ed Coan

I found out this morning that Ed Coan had answered my question I had about back slipping during the bench press in a video! Check it out:

Starts at the 3 min 45 s mark.

Dragon Flags

  • 5

Foam Rolling

Ab Wheel

  • 5

Band Pull Aparts

Shoulder Dislocations

  • 10

L-Sit Pull Ups

With Rogue Cannon balls.

  • Body weight (~200 lb): 6

Breathing Paused Low Bar Squat

  • 45 lb: 10
  • 140 lb: 10
  • 230 lb: 5
  • 320 lb: 3

Paused Low Bar Squat

Belted up at 460 lb.

  • 410 lb: 1
  • 460 lb: 1

Low Bar Squat

My Mom called and asked me to go grocery shopping just when I was about to squat 500 lb.

I said sure! Finished my set @500 and went shopping.

Came back almost an hour later, did some hip circles to get myself warmed up again, jumped right into a 550 lb reverse band squat and then proceeded to complete my workout.

  • 500 lb: 1

Low Bar Squat - Reverse Bands

  • 550 lb: 1
    • Black bands. About 80 lb of assistance at the bottom, so the weight throughout the entire range of motion is roughly 470-550 lb.

Low Bar Squat

  • 412.5 lb: 3,3,3
    • +2.5 lb from last week.

High Bar Squat

  • 412.5 lb: 3,3,3
    • +2.5 lb from last week.

Low Bar Squat

  • 372.5 lb: 5
    • +2.5 lb from last week.

High Bar Squat

  • 372.5 lb: 5
    • +2.5 lb from last week.
    • Left knee feels weird, so decided to cut it off at 5. Normally 8 or so.

Face Pulls

  • 70 lb: 12
  • 90 lb: 10

Reverse Grip Bench Press

Paused until work sets.

  • 45 lb: 10
  • 140 lb: 5
  • 230 lb: 3
  • 320 lb: 1
  • 370 lb: 1

Reverse Band Reverse Grip Bench Press

  • 410 lb: 1
    • Black bands
    • About 55 lb of resistance (assistance?) at the bottom. So the the weight ranges from ~360 lb at the bottom to 410 lb at the top.

Reverse Grip Bench Press

  • 315 lb: 5,5,3
    • +2.5 lb from last week.
    • 3 sets instead of 5.
    • Thought I would get all 5 reps for the last set, then during the 4th rep my back (left side, low back) cramped up. Missed. Blah.
    • Feeling hard. Might switch to sets of 3 soon, or a mix of 3s and 5s.

Some of my posts you might have missed:

  1. 25lbs whey protein from CanadianProtein review

And few solid posts and a video I came across this past week or so you should read and watch:

  1. Mark Rippetoe talks with Ed Coan and Marty Gallagher
  2. Understanding Muscles and Reps, with Starcraft 2 by Mountain Evan Chang
  3. The Limits In Your Head (CNS Fatigue) by Matthew Perryman
  4. A Strong Case For the Rounded Back Deadlift by Bret Contreras


  • 385lbs: 3,1,3
    • Bar rolled forward towards my traps during the 2nd set, causing my upper body to lean forward too much.
    • 1st set felt easy. Probably could have cranked out more reps

Bench Press

  • 295lbs: 1,1,1,1,1
    • Failed on the 2nd rep of sets 2 & 3
    • 1st rep felt easy
  • 275lbs: 2


  • 455lbs: 3,3


Watched some Ed Coan videos on Youtube to get myself psyched up before heading to the gym.

This guy is vertically challenged like me. He's my new hero! Check him out below: