Archives For ohp

I came across this at a dollar store the other day:

Fake Sriracha

It's a FAAAKE!!1!

It's a FAAAKE!

Actually, it's just a different brand piggybacking on the popularity of Sriracha hot sauce. The real Sriracha hot sauce has a green cap and a rooster as the logo, and it should look like this:


This bottle should last a few more weeks. I need to stock up soon.

Anyway, onto the PRs:

PR's This Past Week

Only managed 2:

Paused Front Squat: 370 lb x 1 (No Belt 1RM)

+30 lb PR and matches my no belt front squat 1RM, and paused FS 1RM!

Wasn't sure if I could get this because my previous warm up set (330 lb) felt hard, but decided to go for it anyway, because...why not?

Overhead Press: 200 lb x 8 (8RM)

Previous best with 200 lb was 7. Cleaned (more like 'dirtied') off the floor, and had a hook grip throughout the set.

OHP 200 lb x will be mine. Followed by bodyweight OHP x 10. All in good time.

Other Training

Switch Kicks and Right & Left Roundhouse Kicks

My goal is to destroy this heavy bag with my bare shins.

My next goal would be to find a near indestructible Kevlar punching bag for cheap.

Stuff You Should Read

  1. Look To Those Who Struggle To Find Strength by Paul Carter
  2. Does Research Support The Use Of Foam Rolling? By Chris Beardsley
  3. Paleo Has Jumped The Shark by James Fell
  4. Picking The Squat That's Right For You By Greg Nuckols

I hit two big PR's this past week (among many).

Got a 550 lb low bar squat, which was a goal I wanted to reach for my new years resolution.

Also nailed a very smooth 400 lb reverse grip bench press, which is a milestone weight and puts in the 400 lb bench press club!

Here they are:

Low Bar Squat: 550 lb x 1 (1RM)

Reverse Grip Bench Press: 400 lb x 1 (1RM)

Really surprised at how super smooth this went!


The Perfect Rep

With the 550 lb squat and the 400 lb bench press I did a few days ago, they both felt like the perfect rep.

It felt like the bar moved perfectly inside the groove during the rep, everything is "on", and I just nail it.

No struggle, no missteps, no grind.

Just a perfectly executed rep from beginning to end, using a load that I've never successfully completed before.

Feels good.

I'm not very articulate today, but maybe this feeling is similar to Dwight Schrute's "Perfectenschlag":

Actually, it's probably more similar to Samuel Ander's description of "perfection" from Battlestar Galactica (Season 4, Episode 19: "Daybreak" Part 1:

If you want to know the truth...I don't really care about the stats. Or the cup, or the trophy, or anything like that. Um, in fact, even the games aren't that important to me, not really. What matters to me is the perfect throw...making the perfect catch...the perfect stepping block.

Perfection is what it's about.

It's about those moments when... you can feel the perfection of creation. The beauty of physics, the wonder of mathematics. And all the relation of action and reaction. And that is the kind of perfection I want to be connected to.

I want to experience more perfect reps.

Other PRs

Reverse Grip Bench Press: 300 lb x 9 (9RM)

Pecs and shoulders feeling sore and worn out, so I decided to do my warm up (missed at 370 lb though; usually it's no problem) and then rep out as many as I could with 300 lb.

Previous max number of reps at 300 lb was 7. Would have settled for 8 reps for an 8RM, but I went for 10. But after the shaky 9th rep, I was pretty sure I would have failed the 10th rep, so I re-racked the bar. NEX TIME.

Front Squat: 330 lb (Paused, No Belt 3RM)


Overhead Press: 230 lb x 4 (4RM)

Pretty tough! Shaky last rep, but I stuck with it and locked it out.

Pretty happy with this PR. OHP PRs are rare to come by these days.

Low Bar Squat: 500 lb x 3 (3RM)

3 reps with 500 lb FINALLY! I attempted 3 reps many times with 500 lb, but missed on the 3rd rep in the past.

Prior to this, I attempted a 555.5 lb squat to, but missed. Hit the uprights while walking back, and the bar didn't seem to sit in the right position during the lift.


Got my CPF record certificates in the mail this past week. They look a lot better than an Excel spreadsheet!

Stuff You Should Read

  1. Powerbuilding: You Don't Grow In The Gym by Stan "Rhino" Efferding
  2. Assessments are Not Complicated by Alexander Cortes
  3. Wisdom from a Master (Notes From A Training Session With Dan Green) by Brian Hill

Neck Training

Using the Ironmind neck harness and low pulley attachment.

Neck Extension (Harness)

  • 30 lb: 20
  • 60 lb: 20
  • 100 lb: 10,10,10,10,10
  • 70 lb: 12

Neck Flexion (Harness)

  • 30 lb: 20
  • 60 lb: 20
  • 100 lb: 10,10,10,10,10
  • 70 lb: 12

Neck Side Flexion (Harness)

  • 30 lb: 20
  • 50 lb: 20
  • 70 lb: 10,10,10,10,10

Front Squat

Paused, no belt.

  • 45 lb: 10
  • 140 lb: 5
  • 230 lb: 3
  • 280 lb: 1
  • 330 lb: 3 * PR!
    • Paused, no belt 3RM

Clean & Press

  • 45 lb: 10
  • 140 lb: 3
  • 190 lb: 2

Overhead Press

  • 230 lb: 4 * PR!
    • 4 rep max! Wasn't sure if I could get this because I couldn't complete 3 reps with 230 lb in the past few weeks.

Barbell Curl

  • 45 lb: 20,20,20

Neck Training

Using the Ironmind neck harness and low pulley attachment.

Neck Extension (Harness)

  • 30 lb: 20
  • 60 lb: 20
  • 100 lb: 10,10,10,10
  • 70 lb: 10

Neck Flexion (Harness)

  • 30 lb: 20
  • 60 lb: 20
  • 100 lb: 18,10,10,10
    • Mind wandered first set. I was wondering why it was getting difficult and taking so long. Only wanted to do 10.
  • 70 lb: 10

Neck Side Flexion (Harness)

  • 30 lb: 20
  • 50 lb: 20
  • 70 lb: 10,10,10,10

Front Squat

Hips felt weird and it was a bit painful so I changed back into my narrower, hams-to-calves knee cracking stance.

Paused during warm up and work sets.

  • 45 lb: 10
  • 140 lb: 5
  • 230 lb: 3
  • 280 lb: 1
  • 330 lb: 1
  • 350 lb: * PR!
    • No belt front squat 1RM
  • 370 lb: 1 * PR!
    • No belt front squat 1RM by +20 lb from previous set!
    • Once I broke through the sticking point, the bar felt like it flew up. Nice.
  • 300 lb: 3,3,3,3,3
    • +2.5 lb from Sunday.

Clean & Press

  • 45 lb: 10
  • 140 lb: 5
    • Should have been 3.
  • 190 lb: 2

Overhead Press

  • 230 lb: 2
  • 200 lb: 7 * PR!
    • Wanted 8. I think this is the most number of reps I did with 200 lb.
    • Previous best was 6 according to my Youtube videos.
    • Gotta start tracking 7 rep maxes.

Barbell Curl

  • 100 lb: 8
  • 45 lb: 20,25

Didn't do my neck workout yesterday because too exhausted from hitting the heavy bag, so I'm doing it today.

Neck Training

Using the Ironmind neck harness and low pulley attachment.

Neck Extension (Harness)

  • 30 lb: 20
  • 60 lb: 20
  • 100 lb: 10,10,10
  • 70 lb: 10

Neck Flexion (Harness)

  • 30 lb: 20
  • 60 lb: 20
  • 100 lb: 10,10,10
  • 70 lb: 10

Neck Side Flexion (Harness)

  • 30 lb: 20
  • 50 lb: 20
  • 70 lb: 10,10,10

Front Squat

Trying out a wider stance.

  • 45 lb: 10
  • 140 lb: 5
  • 230 lb: 3
  • 280 lb: 1
  • 340 lb: 1 * PR!
    • Beltless paused 1RM!
    • Easy PR.
  • 330 lb: 5 * PR!
    • 5 rep max
    • A lot harder than the previous PR. I thought I might be able to get 8 before doing this set LOL

Clean & Press

  • 45 lb: 10
  • 140 lb: 3
  • 190 lb: 2

Overhead Press

  • 230 lb: 2
  • 190 lb: 5,5

Barbell Curl

  • 100 lb: 8
  • 45 lb: 25