Texas Method intensity day.
Glutes sore from paused squats on Wednesday.
Foam Rolling
- 10 minutes
High Bar Squat
- 45lbs: 20
- 140lbs: 10
- 230lbs: 5
- 320lbs: 3
- 390lbs: 2
- 440lbs: 2,2,1
- Failed on 1st set, 3rd rep.
- Failed on 3rd set, 2nd rep.
Face Pull
- 60lbs: 12
- 82 lbs: 8
Bench Press
- 140lbs: 5
- 190lb: 3
- 230lbs: 2
- 280lbs: 1
- 320lbs: 2,2,2,2,1
- Failed on last set, last rep.
- 140lbs: 10
- 230lbs: 5
- 320lbs: 3
- 370lbs: 1
- 460lbs: 1,1
- 480lbs: 1
- 500lbs: X, 1
- Wasn't committed the first set. And probably a little bit paranoid that I was going to rip my thumbnail off. 2nd set I threw that thought out the window and lifted it. First time deadlifting 500lbs in over a year.
- 410lbs: 3,3