Foam Rolling
- 10 minutes
High Bar Squat
- 45lbs: 20
- 140lbs: 10
- 230lbs: 5
- 320lbs: 3
- 410lbs: 2
- 460lbs: 1
- 390lbs: 3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3
- About 2.5 minutes in between sets.
- +5lbs from last week.
- Failed on 4th rep
Close Grip Bench Press
Adding in close grip bench presses to see if it helps my regular bench.
- 45lbs: 10
- 100lbs: 8
- 140lbs: 5
- 190lbs: 3
- 240lbs: 5,5,5,5,5
- +10lbs from 2 weeks ago
- Anterior deltoids, pecs and triceps feels more sore than usual