Drank a strawberry flavored MuscleTech phase 8 "protein shake" today. Taste a bit like medicine.
Foam Rolling
- 10 minutes on the black Rumble Roller and lacrosse ball.
Low Bar Squat
- 45 lb: 20
- 140 lb: 10
- 190 lb: 5
- 230 lb: 5
- 280 lb: 5
- 325 lb: 5,5,5
- +5 lb from Monday
High Bar Squat
- 325 lb: 5,5,5
- +5 lb from Monday
Overhead Press
Taken off the rack.
- 45 lb: 10
- 75 lb: 8
- 100 lb: 5
- 140 lb: 3
- 190 lb: 1
- 225 lb: 3,3,2,2,2
- 225 x 5 is eluding me...
Barbell Curl
Started from the top (instead of the bottom), as described in the book Starting Strength.
- 45 lb: 10
- 60 lb: 10
- 75 lb: 12,12