Left hamstring doesn't feel right, experience pain on outside of my left foot, on the pinkie knuckle side (??), and shoulders don't feel 100%.
So...I'm going to take it easy today (decided to take it "easy" after 500 lb squat attempt -_-)
Dragon Flags
- 8
Foam Rolling
- 10 minutes on the black Rumble Roller and lacrosse ball.
Ab Wheel
- 6
Band Pull Aparts
- A bunch of reps, multiple angles with the Voodoo Floss bands
Shoulder Dislocations
- 10
L-Sit Chin Ups
With Fat Gripz.
- Body weight (~205 lb): 7
Breathing Paused Low Bar Squat
- 45 lb: 10
- 140 lb: 10
- 230 lb: 5
- 320 lb: 3
Paused Low Bar Squat
- 410 lb: 1
Low Bar Squat
No belt.
- 460 lb: 1
- 500 lb: X
Paused Low Bar Squat
No belt.
- 372.5 lb: 3
Face Pulls
- 70 lb: 12
- 90 lb: 10
Reverse Grip Bench Press
- 45 lb: 10
- 140 lb: 5
- 230 lb: 3
- 280 lb: 1
- 330 lb: 1
- 370 lb: 1
- 320 lb: 3