Texas Method volume day.
Going to take out low bar squats and replace them with high bar squats this week. Low back aches.
L-Sit Chin Ups
- Body weight (200 lb):10,10
- Performed before and after foam rolling.
Foam Rolling
- 20 minutes on the black Rumble Roller and lacrosse ball.
High Bar Squat
About 3.5 minutes in between sets.
- 45 lb: 20
- 140 lb: 10
- 230 lb: 5
- 320 lb: 3
- 370 lb: 1
- 410 lb: 1
- 440 lb: 1
- 410 lb: 3,3,3,3,3
- Was supposed to be 407.5 lb, but I already had 410 on the bar, and I did 410x3x3 a couple of days ago, so decided to do 410 lb. Plus, 4 plates on each side looks cool (but not as nice as 5 plates on each side).
- 357.5 lb: 5,5,5
- +2.5 lb from last week.
Face Pulls
- 70 lb: 13
Reverse Grip Bench Press
Paused until work sets. Paused first rep on work sets.
- 45 lb: 10
- 140 lb: 5
- 230 lb: 3
- 320 lb: 1
- 290 lb: 5,4*,5,5,5
- +2.5 lb from last week (microloading with fractional plates).
- *Missed on the 5th rep, 2nd set. Slipped on the bench! Had a towel on top of the anti-slip liner (towel used to absorb sweat). After I slipped, the bar was still in my hands. Tried to push it up, but couldn't. Gah. Took off the towel after that set.