Archives For Nia Shanks

Squatting was pretty horrible this week, but I hit a 225lbs x 2 OHP! (video).

Maybe I'll try for 3 reps next week.

Also, figured out how to minimize cooking odors in the home by putting the slow cooker in the garage.

Anyways, check this out (especially the Karwoski video!):

  1. From Cadet to Captain (video) with Kirk Karwoski
  2. How to Properly Prepare to Lift Heavy Stuff by Nia Shanks
  3. Compression Straps For Recovery by Jeff Alexander

A few posts you might have missed:

  1. Friends Don't Let Friends Skip Leg Day
  2. How To Watch The 2012 London Olympics Online

And a few solid articles I've come across this past week:

  1. Get Your Press Up! By Mark Rippetoe
  2. What If I Don’t Want to, or Can’t, Lift Heavy? By Nia Shanks
  3. Hyperlordosis by Justin Lascek
  4. I Will Pick Up Heavy Things Off The Floor by Paul Carter
  5. Everything You Need To Know About The Hip Thrust by Bret Contreras
  6. Is A Calorie Truly Just A Calorie? By Layne Norton